In need of assistance? The multi-verse is in perpetual flux, as are our planetary TIMELINES, often causing existential uncertainty to inhabitants. An ORACLE is a person or agency considered to provide wise and insightful counsel, most notably including precognition of the TIMELINE. Skilled ORACLES are experienced with educating and assisting you through TIMELINE calibration to reset your path or validate your direction.
ORACLES do not engage unless all beings involved choose to make contact. This can take many hours, days, or years. Meaningful connections can be made anywhere, at anytime. We offer all beings the opportunity to interface, as personhood is planetary. All beings are respected as existing on equal ground by an ORACLE, as all beings play their own important roll in the multi-verse. Once contact is initiated, ORACLES will interface through your chosen multi-dimensional shared environment with various durational actions and tools to observe and explore potentials within your TIMELINE.
Ready to make contact? We welcome the opportunity of assisting you with TIMELINE calibration. Let’s reorient your perspective and see what potential your TIMELINE has in store for you! Contact is made through either digital or spatial interfacing. Include your location and desired initial duration so we may assist you most efficiently. We will provide you with further information on the process after contact is made.